Our most frequently asked questions
We are pleased to provide our customers with answers to the most commonly asked questions about our inspection solution.
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On the Field
By internalizing your assets’ inspections, you can significantly reduce costs, enhance your planning flexibility, and pursue a predictive maintenance strategy which again decreases overall O&M costs.
This always depends on the exact circumstances of your assets’ location. A license will be compulsory for most of the typical solar plant and wind turbine locations, yet usually the training for the required license takes no more than a single day ( > source). Furthermore, we will be happy to assist you by providing a training for your technicians led by one of our top-notch drone specialists. Contact us to have us assist you in finding out which trainings are required on your assets’ sites.
Yes, our drone automatically creates a flight plan tailor-made for your turbine/solar plant, taking into account the precise turbine model, or the shape and elevation of the solar plant, respectively.
Yes, you will have to stop the turbine for about 20 minutes in order to inspect the three rotor blades. Yet, only one rotor stop is required for the entire inspection and you will not have to pitch the blades or lock the rotor.
Absolutely! If you plan on inspecting both solar and wind assets, it suffices to acquire only our solar solution drone, as it comprises both a thermal and a visual sensor. Moreover, the inspection planning and data processing before and after the inspections can be taken care of within the same interface, enabling you to have all of your solar and wind data stored in the same place and not having to adapt to different systems.
Not at all. Our drones and pertinent remote controllers are very easy to use, and you will receive a personal training on top to ensure a smooth and enjoyable first contact to our inspection tool. Moreover, you will only have to fly the drone for the first few minutes of the inspection in order to take four key pictures, and afterwards it flies and captures the data fully automatically. Meanwhile, you can lean back and proceed to making your first annotations regarding defects on the remote controller. Feel free to check out our introduction video here.
Our customers inspect an average of 18 wind turbines per day but some overstep the mark during summer days!
Web Application
You can access and edit all of the data acquired during your inspections via our online platform app.skyvisor.io, which is accessible at any time from no matter what web browser.
Absolutely ! Our deep learning algorithms support you during the annotation process in order to label faster and more precisely.
Yes, there are several ways of sharing your data. For instance, you can simply invite your colleagues or subcontractors to the platform. Alternatively, you can also forward the resulting inspection report, which is generated automatically within our platform.
Sure, you can customize any of them according to your company prerequisites.